Brie Sandow Selected for Coldiron Senior Nurse Executive Fellowship
Posted about 2 years ago by Randall Hudspeth, PhD, MBA, MS, APRN-CNP, FAANP
Brie Sandow, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Nursing Officer for St. Luke's Meridian Medical Center, and the president-elect of Nurse Leaders of Idaho, has been selected to participate in the Coldiron Senior Nurse Executive Fellowship program at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve university, Cleveland, Ohio. She will end her current term as a Director-at-Large on the ANA Board of Directors on December 31. She is also a past president of ANA-Idaho.
The Coldiron Senior Nurse Executive Fellowship was created by the Marian K. Shaughnessy Nurse Leadership Academy in partnership with the American Nurses Association, The American Organization for Nursing, and the Healthcare Financial Management Association to enhance and expand the development of senior nurse executive leaders.
This innovative Fellowship Program is designed to empower executive nurse leaders to make healthcare more patient-centered, cost-effective, accessible and quality driven. The Fellowship was launched in March 2021 and includes five sessions presented over a 15-month period. The curriculum includes sessions on executive presence, financial acumen, care coordination, quality and safety competencies, wellness, public communication and understanding and leading change.
For more information about the program go to: Coldiron Senior Nurse Executive Fellowship | Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing (
Congratulations to Brie for this achievement and honor. She definitely has continued to build on an already great career. We can expect more ahead of her in nursing, both in Idaho and nationally.
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